I am 100% obsessed with Disney, as you already know. Now that Walt Disney World is open again, all I can do is think of my next trip to the Happiest Place on Earth.
Which leads to all sorts of obsessions in Disney products, prepping myself for the future Disney trips. I have fallen in love with a ton of beautiful things... so I decided to share them here so you can become obsessed too!
I am in LOVE with these Interchangeable Disney Ears from Imaginex Ears! I bout a ton for my upcoming trips! You can find them here. They also sell Standard Ears.
Obviously masks are important with everything going on! I have some that I purchased above, but then I found Park Candy... I might just need to buy a couple more! You can find the masks here. They also sell a ton of other stuff for the parks!
Ok, this isn't 100% a need... more like a cute WANT to accessorize with. I found Peggs Craft on Instagram, and automatically wanted this mask chain to hold your mask when you take it off. You can find it here.
I am already planning my outfits for the parks! I have a ton of cute ideas; I want to do some flat lays eventually. Is that something you would like to see? Let me know in the comments.